Graduation MBA 2018

Master of Science SMS

Master of Science in Global Sports Management: Excelling in the Thriving Sports Industry

The MSc in Global Sports Management is a comprehensive two-year program delivered entirely in English. This program has been accredited with the MSc-Master of Science label by the Conference des Grandes Ecoles, highlighting its excellence in imparting knowledge and skills in the field of sports management.

Why Choose a Master of Science in Global Sports Management?

In a world where the sports business sector experiences a remarkable annual growth of 6%, our program stands as a gateway for aspiring professionals seeking to advance internationally in this flourishing industry. Over the course of two years, students delve into the fundamentals of sports management, drawing from practical case studies from industry-leading companies.

How to Join the Master of Science in Global Sports Management?

Open to students holding a bachelor's degree (bac+3/4) or a master's degree (bac+4/5), admission is based on a comprehensive evaluation of the candidate's application and a motivational interview.

Master of Science in Global Sports Management

  • Start date: september 2024  
  • Duration: 2 years  
  • €13 900/years (sept 2024)  

This program is accredited with the MSc-Master of Science label by the Conference des Grandes Ecoles (as of the academic year 2023-2024).