The world of sports is undergoing a transformation, subject to external forces such as Web 3.0, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analysis. While the ongoing health crisis prompted sports organizations to reconsider their economic models, new challenges are emerging in the digital era.

New Economic Models in Sports

The digital revolution raises crucial questions about building innovative economic and commercial models. How can sports thrive during the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where digital technologies dictate the course of evolution?

Societal Evolution of Sports

The societal role of sports, both locally and globally, is changing. How does this evolution impact the social perception of sports and its influence on society?

Fan Engagement and Beyond-Stadium Experience

In an era where the means to engage fans are expanding, how can sports further intensify engagement beyond stadiums and traditional broadcasts?

Innovations for High-Level Sports

How can technological advancements improve high-level sports performances and the overall sports spectacle while ensuring continued appeal?

Changes in Sports Management and Governance

In a constantly evolving world, how can sports management and governance adapt to anticipate forthcoming transformations? This includes adjusting the roles of government, public and private sectors, and safeguarding the integrity of sports.

NFTs and Digital Valuation in Sports

At the heart of this digital revolution, NFTs are emerging as unique digital assets. From notable early transactions to the current surge, how are NFTs transforming the sports landscape and providing new opportunities for monetization?

This white paper aims to shed light on the impacts of the digital revolution on professional sports, exploring the intersections of cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and the Metaverse. Navigating through these questions, it offers a prospective outlook on the future of sports in an increasingly digitized world.

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